Cold Shutdown: Fukushima One Year After, my recently completed doc, is a visit with Fukushima citizens as they come together in the face of government indifference and ineffectuality to deal with the legacy of nuclear fallout from the Dai Ichi Disaster that still covers thousands of square miles of Japan. The half-hour film is playing at the Park Slope Food Coop on Friday, November 2, at 7:00PM with Iki Nakagawa’s Green Mountain Girls Farm: Sustainability in Action.. It’s a free screening, open to the public, and  I will be presenting the film.. so come check it out!

Park Slope Food Coop • 782 Union Street, Brooklyn, between 6th and 5th Aves.
Friday, November 2, 7PM


Fukushima in the Slope | 2012 | Uncategorized